My goal with this blog is for you to enjoy your time here. Most of the posts talk about my experiences raising my two yellow Labrador Retrievers, some are just for fun, and others share the best dog related information and products I have found.

Use the tabs above for quick navigation. I have imbedded links for as much as possible so that you can find the resources easily from this blog. The links in the side bar are for websites that have been helpful to me. I hope that you find them useful for you and your canine "family member"

Monday, September 03, 2007

The Truth about Cats and Dogs - 2

There are special moments in our home where two Yellow Labradors and one beautiful cat share life under the same roof. Then there are extra special moments.

I shared one of those moments earlier this year here, "The Truth about Cats and Dogs".

Here's a picture that once again shows that miracles can happen. Bella, our cat lived with us for 7 years as an only child. She was queen and our home was her domain. It is no small gift that she will share the same space with the new members of the family.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every so often on chilly evenings in front of the TV or on my bed one of the dogs will curl up to the cat. If I say anything they notice what they are doing and fly apart like "Ewwwww."

Congratulations on your anniversary and many more!!!