My goal with this blog is for you to enjoy your time here. Most of the posts talk about my experiences raising my two yellow Labrador Retrievers, some are just for fun, and others share the best dog related information and products I have found.

Use the tabs above for quick navigation. I have imbedded links for as much as possible so that you can find the resources easily from this blog. The links in the side bar are for websites that have been helpful to me. I hope that you find them useful for you and your canine "family member"

Saturday, June 02, 2007

True to tide ... what we live for.

With the full moon just this last Thursday I was hoping for a better afternoon low tide. Yet this afternoon came with it's own gifts. With the coast in it's typical May - June pattern of heavy fog banks and only 1-2 hours of sun each day, we were blessed with 4 hours of beautiful clear sunny beach time.

So even though low tide this afternoon was 3 feet instead of the awesome - .5 foot tide of the past several months we still had an awesome time at the beach. This time I have pictures to prove it. Sometimes I think about the home and land and open space we could live on if only we did not live in California, but then I enjoy a day like today and know that there is no way I could ever live very far away from "my" Pacific Ocean. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Coming back at a full run.
They couldn't smile any bigger if they tried.

Can you find the ball before Shelby does ?
(Hint: Click to enlarge)

Happy wet dogs.

Taking a quick breather.

"Yes, we're having fun Mom, can't you tell"

Perspective changes everything

Just when you think you know every facet possible about your beloved pet, or pets - as in my case, you'll find there is more to learn. Next time you have a few minutes get down on the floor with them. You'll realize there are things about your pets you have never seen before. A different side of their personality emerges. Somehow they become more playful and loving and you can see just how connected they are to you in their own special way. Here's what I saw when I changed my perspective.

