Monday, July 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy "Belated" St. Patrick Day
For those of you wondering, I have not dropped of the face of the earth. I know it's been a while since I posted and as it is this is a belated post with a St. Patricks theme. But I promise it's a good one!!
I updated the dog collars with Dublin Dog collars in September and now 7 months later I'm still in love with them. This is a record!! We have used the collars we have with the dogs for different reasons in their training and development. You can do a "collar" word search of this blog to see my journey through collars.
When you are finally at the point that a flat collar is your primary collar all the time these collars are worth a serious look. The company is amazing and the customer service is over the top exceptional!!
This is how amazing Dublin Dog and their collars are!!
When I placed my order in person with them because I was looking for a style I'd seen on a third party online site they told me the style had been discontinued when they had redone the design so it would be more sturdy. However, the woman taking the order told me to hold on while she checked in the back. When she came back on the phone she said she had found two in a box and was going to send them to me free with the ones I was purchasing.
When I got my order the collar ID tags you see above also were sent free with my order. As she took the names of my dogs and our home number to complete the order they came engraved with both. They sell the awesomest ID tags and these are not cheep'os either!! I don't know about you but when I read the face side of the ID tag I felt blessed!!
Learning every day!
"Tail Wags"
QUICK LINKS: Dog Products, My Experience
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Because I just needed to be reminded today!!

Learning every day!
"Tail Wags"
Friday, August 29, 2008
How to beat the heat!!
With temps in the triple digits there was only one place to go...On our way down the beach we saw dolphins playing in the breakers. Then on our way back we saw an otter on it's back feasting on some seafood delight. It was overcast and grey and a beautiful change from the scorching heat of the last couple days.
Learning every day!
1 "Tail Wags"
Monday, August 25, 2008
A bit off topic... but worth it!!
Learning every day!
"Tail Wags"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
From the mail bag...
A question I hope will help others...
Hi Sunshine,
I have been combing your website among other resources since this past friday (8/15) when my husband and I adopted two adorable lab puppies. We have two 8 week old male yellow labs that are absolutely adorable! We had planned on adopting two so that they would have a playmate for life -- and company during the day while we are at work. I have to say -- I hadn't done any research into raising littermates before we adopted... I had looked into various dog breeds to match what suits our personality and lifestyle best -- and labs are such wonderful family dogs that we thought they should be ideal!
We have started our two boys in separate crate training already -- from day two with us... they cried all night the first night -- but last night went in and slept soundly all night -- from 12:00 to 5:45 am! I was amazed! And we have them crated during the day -- but have a dog walker scheduled for an 11:00am and 2:00pm walk -- for each separately daily... and I have met a trainer that will be coming to us for a consult this weekend and getting them started in puppy training classes in a couple of weeks -- separately of course.
I guess I am just looking for a little reassurance that if we follow the guidance that these will grow to be good mates for each other... I have seen a lot of information about male and female mates raised together -- but I am wondering if you have any insight on raising two males...
I don't want to do wrong by them -- or wrong by us as we have no children at present -- but will be starting a family sometime in the coming year, so I want to have happy dogs with our family in the future. We haven't been to the vet yet, so I am hoping to receive solid guidance from them regarding whether we need to "un-do" our decision to adopt two male labs at once... I would be heartbroken to do it -- but if it were best for the dogs I think it is still soon enough to find another home for one of our puppies...
I would really appreciate any insight you can offer... I have been on a rollar-coaster of anxiety since saturday morning...
Thanks, M
But most of all have fun!! That's why you added two beautiful dogs to your family, so enjoy them and this first fun year completely.
Learning every day!
"Tail Wags"
QUICK LINKS: Dog Raising Tips, My Experience, Raising Two Dogs At The Same Time
Monday, July 28, 2008
An afternoon at the beach... what we live for!

Learning every day!
"Tail Wags"
QUICK LINKS: Best Picks, Dog Photos